In a wide-sweeping collective of actions, the powerful Ominbus Bill Committee enacted two sets of rules, along with some general recommendations for further study. Included in the reforms:
Revised Usage Policy
There will no longer be regular usage monitoring or reporting; instead all GMs will be fully responsible for managing their own players.
Weekly reports will become a thing of the past, as the research, collection, and distribution of the information was growing extremely burdensome. Actual usage allowances are unchanged, as players will maintain standard 10% overuse, plus a cushion that allows them to complete the week in which they reach their limit. Self-reporting of expired players is strongly preferred, but anyone can report an expired player, which will be noted on team rosters and/or the transaction web page.
The penalty for overuse will become standardized, with the first offense being the immediate suspension of the overused player for the remainder of the regular and post-season. In addition, the penalty includes the loss of a third-round draft choice in the following Annual Draft, meaning that third-rounders are no longer tradable assets until after the regular season has been completed.
In the (hopefully) rare case of a second overuse infraction, both offending players, in addition to the penalties listed above, will be suspended for the entire following season.
These rules are tough, but fair. As has been pointed out numerous times, it takes just a few minutes each week to make sure that your players are in full compliance of the usage rules that have been in place now for many years, and the committee is fully confident that these new policies are easy to understand and will be a great way to alleviate the burden of monitoring and enforcement.
Revisions to Dispersal Draft
The upcoming draft remains unchanged with one key exception: the 18 players selected from the El Dorado roster will be ineligible for trading for one full season. This will ensure that the teams drafting in the highest positions will receive the most immediate roster fortification, which was the original intent when creating this draft.
Re-alignment and adding playoff teams
No formal policy was enacted on these topics, but instead the committee delivered a recommendation that they be given further study. Another committee will be formed in the weeks ahead to address an alignment and playoff structure that will enhance the competitiveness for all Groundouts. If you're interested in sitting on the committee, please notify the Commissioner.
This was a lot of material to cover on some pretty weighty topics. It also served as an opportunity for our first-ever in-person committee, and I'd like to thank Russ Young, Jeff Meyer, Jeff Swenson, and adhoc members Scott Benson and Chad Boysen for their selfless service. Well done, guys!
Great point Chuck. Thanks Jeff!
Good opportunity to say thanks to Jeff for tracking this all these years...
Amazing dedication!
If anyone is having any problems finding where to monitor player usage, I’ll be happy to walk you through it.