So what to do with the embarrassment of wealth bequeathed upon Groundout Nation? That's the question that the Dispersal Committee (Sam, Jeff B., Russ, Jeff M., and Chuck) wrangled with when considering the vast holdings of the suddenly abandoned El Dorado roster. Well, you've been named as an heir to the estate, as we'll be conducting a one-round draft of ELD players, taken in traditional worst-to-first order. Some details:
Each team will select one player from the ELD roster.
Players will be exempt from protection in the upcoming Rule 5 draft.
The players drafted are non-tradable until after the 2022 season.
Fairburn will select first; World Series champ will draft last.
Approximate date of the dispersal will be in mid-October, after the PGB World Series.
Undrafted ELD players will join the 2023 winter draft along with Newark players.
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